Battery Storage
With so many people installing oversized solar systems battery storage has become more attractive.
There are many types of battery storage options available, with or without back up protection.
Not all batteries are the same, some come with limited warranties and some require additional components adding further potential failure points.
There are also strict rules around where they can be installed.
Just like solar, if you are considering investing in battery storage, do your research and get the best product you can afford that suits your individual needs. Consider a modular system that can be adapted over time.
We have done all the research for you and only install products we have tested at our own property first. We insist on meeting all the manufacturers personally and will only work with those offering quality products with strong after sales support and warranties.
Green Earth Electrical can analyse the way you use your electricity and provide advice on whether battery storage is viable or whether there are other, more suitable options available to you.